You engage with your guests on the floor, on the phone, via email, through your app… you collect information about their habits, their needs, their satisfaction. Do you also look at what catches guests attention while they browse through your mobile application?
If you are looking to improve your app’s performance -active users, amount of requests and revenue flowing through the app, it's essential to use the Analytics Portal to view and understand platform usage.
We recommend you to start from the big picture and take a closer look to individual elements as you go.
User Conversion displays the amount of guests who accessed your app and how many of them have been converted to app users. We count a conversion as the amount of users who selected any of the actionable content in an item. If your conversion rate is lower than 20%, revise both the way you are promoting your app and your content.
Start from your Page View. Your application’s main pages act like topic categories and provides you with an understanding about the type of information and services your guests prefer.
Do those pages already include items which can be requested and that can generate revenue through your app? If the answer is no, ask yourself: does it make sense to add a service guests can book on that specific page?
In a similar way, Items Conversion helps you understand which topics your guests want more details about. If you are linking external contents on your items, think how you could present that extra information in within you application.
Items Views acts like a reinforcement to Page Views. You can expect the most visited item viewed in your app can be found inside your most viewed page. If that is not the case, it is probably time to update the content of a page to make it consistent with what guests expect to find in there. Similarly to your most visited pages, most viewed items are definitely a good place to include a call to action button.
Successful items where a call to action (a request button) is already included, are then ranked in your Request Conversion list. Pay attention to details here: are you generating direct revenue from services or items that can be requested? Are your most requested services those which define your brand offer?
The findings of your analysis pave the way to trials and tests. Experiment new solutions, update your offers and use these tools to measure the success of your changes.